Model R73 .32 H&R Mag Serial # NB046182

Anything to do with H&R-NEF guns

Moderators: Regnier (gunrunner), JohnK, Sure-Shot

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Model R73 .32 H&R Mag Serial # NB046182

Post by sgrickards »

My sister has cancer. Her husband gave me this .32 to '' get it out of the house '' as you can understand. How old is this piece or can you direct me who can. I plan on registering and locking it up in the vault after. Standing by, Scott
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Model R73 .32 H&R Mag Serial # NB046182

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


The NEF Model R73 was made from 1988 to 1999. I do not know the NEF serialization system to narrow that down.
Why register it? Frankly, the less the government knows about your private life, the better off you are!
Due to the increasing cost of ammunition, there will be no warning shot!

The growing federal deficit = generational slavery to the national debt.

If the world was wouldn't be.
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