Can’t get an exact match for my Marlin Ballard

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Can’t get an exact match for my Marlin Ballard

Post by Phamzilla »

I’m trying to figure out the exact year and model of my .22 Marlin Ballard. Doesn’t say a specific model on it and all the research doesn’t have an exact match to what mine looks like.
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Re: Can’t get an exact match for my Marlin Ballard

Post by marlinman93 »

The original Marlin Ballard .22 RF was the Model #3. Whether you have a #3 depends on whether your rifle is an original, or not. Over the last 130 plus years many have been highly modified, and there are numerous Ballard rifles that have been custom built using a number of other Ballard actions as a basis. I have 5 or 6 Ballard .22 RF rifles that are NOT #3's, but are custom schuetzen rifles. Plus that many that are still in original #3 configuration.
If you can post some pictures of your gun I can help determine what you have, and whether it's original or custom built.
Here's a picture of one of my original #3 Ballard rifles:


Hopefully yours is not a pistol!! Since you posted this question in the "pistol" section?
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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