What’s I got?

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What’s I got?

Post by Smokinjoe »

I have a Marlin lever action that has a two digit alpha of MR. can I safely assume that it means manufacturered between 1955-1959? It’s followed by four digit number that looks like a year and ends in 8H. Please explain.
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Re: What’s I got?

Post by marlinman93 »

You might want to look closer with a magnifying glass at the number. It doesn't sound correct, and maybe those letters aren't letters, but poorly marked numbers. You can also pull the buttstock and look at the wood area under the top tang as Marlin marked the wood also. And while it's off check the left side of the top tang for the serial number there too.
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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