Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

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Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by gahistorysearch »

I am new to this 1903 Marlin 1892 32 cal Lever gun. I bought 250 rounds of good 32 Long Colt - (will save brass). 2 things happen on the gun.

1) The spent round will not eject, although when the hammer falls the tiny extractor will sometimes pull out the spent cartridge and sometimes not. It does make a tiny scratch on the top of the bullet heal. The extractor looks good and seems in great shape - a 32 healed case fits on the carrier face under the extractor spring perfectly - the extractor is good fitting and is tight in the carrier. BUT - the little ejector spring seems too short to me. Also too thick. When I put it in the groove behind the carrier it pushes the carrier out a little - THAT causes the extractor to not grip the case heal on a spent round. I even filed it down a tad to sit better in the groove. That spring looks too shot too me - it seems to still stay a little behing the carrier when the lever is fully down.

2) The follower on this gun looks hand made and is not the right length - as a result the next round will not lift - half of it is still in the tube.
The outer and Inner tube look original. The holes on the outer tube are a little chewed up but should work. There is an untouched hole on one side of the outer tube and two holes where the outer tube and inner tube seem to connect via the follower pin.

I bought a new correct follower from Nurich for 32 cal, new ejector for 32 cal, and a new magazine spring. Hoping that will fix it. Gun is near mint.

My "dumb question" - When this gun is loaded with 32 long colt - how many rounds will it hold and does the outer tube just stick out in front of the barrel a good 1 foot or more??? Very strange the way the magazine tube seemes to work on these if that is the case. I was able to Youtube and get it completely disassembled and reassembled. Anyone know of any videos of someone loading and shooting one?

I would think the follower would not be attached to anything but the spring. There is a pin on it and the disassembly/reassembly plus youtube seems to confirm that pin goes into the outer tube. Here is a link to the Numrich post that has photos and link to YouTube 1892 disassembly.
Posting photos here is tough.

Love this little gun and sure could use a bit of advise!!!! ... ion-253396
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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by gahistorysearch »

Here are some pictures.
I am just trying to understand how the inner tube with an open channel, the outer tube with top latch, and the follower go together.

According to this video - the follower and outer tube are connected together with a hole and pin - so when you pull the outer tube up you pull the follower too behind the follower is a spring. But attaching it this way means the outer tube stays out in front of the gun and slowly comes in as you rounds get shot - that cannot be right??? Having the outer tube sticking out 2 feet when its on full load.

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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by marlinman93 »

No offense meant, but your gun is far from "near mint"! The mag tube is messed up, and also the mag tube catch is likely frozen or broken or the tube would not extend past the muzzle when in place. If you push the end of the tube rearward the catch should latch and keep it there.
The 3rd image showing the works of the mage tube reveal it's broken at the end, which is likely what is causing the functioning problems your gun has. Unfortunately mag tubes for this gun are unobtainable, and so are most parts. It might end up being a wall hanger if you can't locate the tube parts to rebuild it or a complete .32 tube.

This one is a lot closer to a "minty" 1892, but still probably around 85% of mint. ... rearms.htm
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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by gahistorysearch »

No offense taken at all - I very much appreciate a reply - thank you!

Here are better pictures so you can see its not a beater - probably 50% - if you mean original finish.
Parts are all 100% right now - exception is the follower I believe. I would like to get the gun working and cycling as I have 300 rounds of very nice 32 long colt - and I can reload no problem.

Yes the end of the outer tube has 2 holes - I believe there should be one. The first one is broken - I can fix with an inserted metal rod - tiny tack weld and a small hammer and files.

The outer tube slides up and slides down very smoothly. The top tube latch is in place and holds firmly.
The inner tube is original and has no issues at all. The outer tube will pull up to expose the bullet entry on the inner tube - and stay there until pushed down - then the top latch catches.

***I just need to know how the follower fits it. If the small, pin inserts into the outer tube then the outer tube has to move with the follower instead of the follower moving inside the inside tube down to push rounds.*****

Pics of follower and stop ring I bought. Midway, Brownells, and Numrich all sell every part on this gun including complete replacement magazine tubes.









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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by marlinman93 »

Better check those sources again. None of them have the magazine tube, as they are listed, but say "out of stock". Numrich does carry the .32 follower though. The follower has a pin in the side that is caught when the follower reaches the end of the tube, so during loading the follower is retracted when the outer tube is pulled forward. So that hole in the inner tube is very important to be in good shape to retain the follower during loading. The end of your tube is broken out, and needs to be carefully tig welded to get it closed. It will need to be completely disassembled to do this, and then smoothed inside and out after the welding to ensure it all works as it originally had.
I again didn't mean anything disparaging in my comment of "minty". But since your gun has little exterior finish, and also internal mechanical issues, it's hardly "minty" inside or out.
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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by gahistorysearch »

You are absolutely correct - sorry I even questioned you! You are right - magazine tubes and parts for an 1892 Marline 32 cal are NOWHERE.

The follower is the wrong size for my gun.
I bought one from the site - its 32 cal - but .430 in diameter (7/16th) which is about 1/16 too large for my tube.
Which means there were probably a tiny variance in tube size or this inner tube is not a correct Marlin.
- I spent 4 hours last night with 10 grits of sandpaper and jewelers files trying to thin it down a hair to fit.....just too tight.

What a shame nobody will make these. I got the action to cycle great and it shoots fine - quite accurate.

Wall hanger until maybe one day I can get a proper follower. I know a good gun smith who can get the inner and outer tube in great shape.
I'm going to see if maybe he knows someone who can machine a piece of aluminum and pin it. Might be pricy to do but I think it would be worth it.
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Re: Help on 32 1892 tube, follower, and ejector

Post by marlinman93 »

The followers are available at Numrich, and have the correct pin needed to function. Any others wont work, even if diameter was correct, since they have no pin.
It's got to be a Marlin inner tube since nothing else would be the correct size or work the same.
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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