Commemorative Guns

Any questions related to guns

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Commemorative Guns

Post by kenmccallum1187 »

I have an inherited gun collection that i take pride in keeping and learning more information about. i have been looking for a list of Commemorative/Tribute rifles that i might be missing and could one day possibly add to my collection. Example: the Annie Oakley, or the Cherokee Strip.
i have found lots of information about the Winchester commemorative Guns, but not much on the Marlin firearms. I do have the book from Brophy but have not had the chance to fully read it in full. does anybody know of anything that could help me with the knowledge of what i have and what i am missing that should added to my collection.
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Commemorative Guns

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


The Brophy book was published in 1989, so it is out of date concerning Marlin Commemorative rifles. Marlin made a number of commemorative rifles in the 1990's. Depending upon if you are interested in all calibers and models, there will be quite a number of guns to list. Your best bet to find out what guns you are missing would be to get a new copy of The Blue Book of Gun Values
There were several .22 caliber of guns, Models 1894 and 1895 made after 1989.
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