Great site, looks like tons of helpful info on here. My buddy bought an old house as a rental property and found this stuffed up in the attic a couple of years later. I told him I'd try and gather some more info for him.
Looks like an 1898? Has the exposed hammer, the push button release beside the hammer (although this button seems seized). It was taken down and stored in this old take down case, falling apart at the seams and missing the top half. Also had 2 pcs. of an old cleaning rod, he's going to have a closer look to try and find more pieces that may have fallen out in the attic.
Shotgun has a small chip out of the barrel threading but it still threaded onto the receiver okay, just doesn't quite line up when you tighten the barrel all the way on (you have to back it up about 1/8"-1/16" to make the guide rod (ejector?) from the pump slide into the receiver - so the barrel isn't properly tightened on then to the stop. Also, the plug,rear of the mag doesn't sit flush to the receiver when the barrel is tightened on, it sits about 1/8" proud from the front of the receiver. Also is missing the front cap on the magazine, although the rest of it seems to be intact (spring, follower, etc...).
Serial number on the receiver is 642xx. Can't find serial stamp on the barrel, nor the choke designation (looks to be cylinder bore to me). Barrel is 30", and stamped 12 ga. directly in front of the receiver, then has the Marlin, New Haven stamp further up, along with patent stamps Nov 6, 1894, May 12, 1896, June 2, 1896.
Looks like the original Marlin buttplate is intact, and the wood is in decent shape, scratches, etc... but no cracks.
I'm going to tell him it's basically a wall hanger. He's not a hunter nor firearms enthusiast so I'll probably end up either buying it from him for my wall, or selling it for him. Approximate value? I'm leaning more towards selling it for him, $75-$100 for a wall hanger?
Here are a couple of pics, including the pcs of cleaning rod and the half case.
Thanks in advance for your help ... C_0019.jpg ... C_0020.jpg ... C_0010.jpg ... C_0022.jpg ... C_0021.jpg