Ballard Derringer

Pistol related discussion

Moderators: Regnier (gunrunner), JohnK, Sure-Shot

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Ballard Derringer

Post by dickaye »

Were Ballard Derringers related in anyway to Marlin? Dickaye
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Ballard Derringer

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


Technicality, and in my opinion, no. The only reasonable relation is the barrel latching system used on both makers guns was patented by C. H. Ballard in 1867. Other companies used the same system on their single shot derringers, just like Marlin. Ballard probably received some type of compensation for the patents use by all the different companies. I do not have a Ballard derringer in my collection as I reallly never figured into the Marlin line of products. If one was to think of the Ballard as a predecessor, then one might want to think that the Hopkins & Allen XL derringer was an offspring of the Marlin derringers as the XL utilized the Marlin patented extractor/ejector system. I do not have an XL derringer is my collection either.
I would be open to disscussion, though.........
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