Marlin 12 Gauge Model 19S With a 19 inch barrel

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Marlin 12 Gauge Model 19S With a 19 inch barrel

Post by Bioslate »

I recently won this beautiful 12 Gauge Model 19 S at a recent auction and I have no clue to its history. It first caught my eye by its sheer artistic appeal and upon further inspection I had to have it. It has a 19 inch barrel and the serial number is 127178. The pump action grip is smooth as opposed to the usual grooved grip so often seen on other models. Can anyone help me track down any information on this shotgun? I have inquired locally will the sports shop "experts" and I've been told its old and probably either a Military, Law Enforcement, or Cowboy issue shotgun. Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Marlin 12 Gauge Model 19S With a 19 inch barrel

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


The Marlin Model 19-S is an improved version of the Model 19. The Model 19 is listed in the old Marlin catalogs from 1906 to 1907. We do know that the Model 19 (one version or another as there was the 19, 19D, 19S, 19G and 19N) was made much later because of the serial numbers. Marlin did offer improved models, like the Model 24 up to 1916. Catalogs of the period state that Marlin had made over 150,000 of their shotguns in 1914, and there are Model 19-S with serial numbers that high, even though they were not cataloged. Marlin made the shotguns in sequencial order, like the lever action guns regardless of model. We also know some Model 19's (again depending upon version) that have an "A" serial number prefix, making it a gun made after 1916 by either Marlin Arms Corporation or Marlin-Rockwell Corporation.
For your Model 19-S to be a true riot version, the barrel will measure 20 inches (to breech bolt face) and have the letter "C" by the serial number on the barrel. The "C" indicating that this barrel has a cylinder bore, also known as an open choke. If the barrel has the letter "F" or "M" next to the serial number, then the barrel has been cut off. The smooth forearm does not bother me much as I have a Model 16 that is smooth, too.
Cannot tell you much more than that........I hope this helps.
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