1898 Series Shotgun

Anything Shot Gun related

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1898 Series Shotgun

Post by rkmartin53 »

Is there a book available for the 1898 series of shotguns ? For breakdown, history, and the differences between the models ?
Thanks in advance, Richard
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: 1898 Series Shotgun

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


Really, the only book you would need for that information is William S. Brophy's Marlin Firearms, A History of the Guns and the Company that made them. There is another book that relates the history fairly well, but it is long out of print and is hard to find. That book was written by Bill West, but I would not waste any money on it as there are lots of mistakes in it, and was written many years ago. Lots of new information has come to light since both books were written, but the Brohpy book is as good as it will get right now. You can find copies on eBay at reasonable prices or have your local library get a copy on loan.
If you are interested in other means of research, Cornell Publishing offers reproduction Marlin catalogs of the period at reasonable prices and you can look through them, too. We have a link to their site on our links page or you can buy the catalogs on eBay as well.
I hope this helps.
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