A source for cast, heeled bullets for the .32 Long Colt:
http://www.gadcustomcartridges.com. The bullet is the 299152, cast to weigh 90 grs. The heel base is .299 inch and the bullet is .312 inch. Cost is $7 per 100, $30 per 500 or $50 per 1,000. GAD Custom Cartridges is out of Medford, Wisconsin. As far as a bullet mould to make your own bullets, M&P cast bullets is offering them, the Lyman 299153 heel bullet. Don't have their number, but google them and hopefully it will show up. As far as dies, C+H makes a wonderful set, BUT if you are going to reload the heel base bullets you should get the set they call "320 Long" which is the European revolver designation for 32 long colt with a heel type bullet. That set will have the right dimensions ect. as opposed to most 32 long colt dies that are intended to load ammo with hollow base bullets. No one to my knowledge is making a hollow base mould right now, but to be honest with you, hollow base bullets in this caliber are not that great in my opinion anyway. Not enough pressure to consistently open up that base for accuracy. With the hollow base factory stuff, I usually will get 2 or 3 rounds touching at 50 feet, and then one will go in sideways a couple inches away, and that is out of excellent to perfect bores. My heel bullets never demonstrate such flyers and shoot consistently great with 1.8gr of Bullseye. You'll need to trim your cases for those heel bullets, as untrimmed long colt brass will be too long. C+H makes a proper trimmer pilot, which is essential for a good trimming job. I lube my bullets with liquid alox and have had no leading so far. Bullseye has been the most consistent powder I have found when chronographing loads. No crimp with heel bullets means you have to use a fast powder that doesn't need a crimp to burn right, like bullseye. Hope this info is of some help