Model 44 help

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Model 44 help

Post by Civi'sOutfitters »

Hi, I am helping my Uncle with heirloom shotgun he has (Marlin Model 44). He told me that the weapon originally become stuck in the open position during a rabbit hunting trip back in 1994. He had a armorer get it to slide shut but did not explain the issue, now it will not load, eject or open. I recently became a gunsmith and do not have much experience with this model. Is this a common issues with this model? My google-fu has turned up nothing, but I did luckily stumble across this form. I also can not seem to find a diagram or parts list for the weapon. I live two states over from my uncle and do not have the weapon in front of me. I wanted to get my ducks in a row before I have him send it to me. I appreciate any help any one can offer.
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Model 44 help

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


IN this case, it might behove you to get your hands on a copy of Bill Brophy's book on "Marlin Firearms, A History of the Guns and the Company that made them." On pages 396, 397 and 398, you will find some help with a parts breakdown along with a photo of the breech bolt release to open the action.
You can go to the Numrich Gun Parts website and view a parts diagram with parts listing.
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