Info on Model 42

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Info on Model 42

Post by hobbzilla »

My dad gave me this and was my great grandfathers shotgun.

The Marlin Firearms Corporation New Haven Conn U.S.A.
Patd U.S.A. Mar 24 May 19 1908, Nov. 23 1909
Model 42


Can someone tell me more about this shotgun?
Date of manufacture
Can it be used
Worth getting restored or better to leave as-is?
Estimated worth
Anything else noteworthy
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Info on Model 42

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


The Marlin Model 42 was made from 1922 to 1933. It was one of the guns that Marlin offered in the stock option offers.
From what I see in the photos, you should not consider having the gun refinished. It is in far better condition than most of the Model 42's I have seen.
Is it safe to shoot? There are a number of safety checks listed in the first post of this section that can help with that question. Unless EVERYTHING by these checks is in perfect working order, you should not shoot it.
Value is not all that high for this era of guns, but it would be somewhere in a range of values between $400.00 and $700.00 depending upon the overall condition.
Due to the increasing cost of ammunition, there will be no warning shot!

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Re: Info on Model 42

Post by marlinman93 »

That's a beautiful Model 42 and I agree on not restoring it. It would ruin the value, and make it worth very little.
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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