Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

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Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by otteray »

I can't remove my 1894 buttstock because these holes are in the lower tang,with unknown bolts or screws in them. There are no corresponding holes in the top part of the tang for two of them. The other one is obviously the tang screw.
I didn't want to force it and maybe break the stock, so I gave up trying to remove it.
There is no evidence of a stock repair, so I'm baffled.
No need to remove the buttstock at this point since everything functions and it shoots really well. But someday I may need to.
Anyone ever see this before?

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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


Left to right: That 1st screw is the tang screw to hold the butt stock
the 2nd screw is the hammer spring screw
the 3rd screw is the trigger spring screw these two screws are mounted on the inside of the lower tang and will have no effect on the removal of the butt stock.
To remove the butt stock, simply remove the upper tang screw and the butt stock can be removed. Usually, it will take a little convincing to get it off. Use the heel of your hand and strike the butt stock on the side with a rearward movement and the stock will come off.
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by otteray »

Thanks, Regnier!
Is this unique to the 1894?
I don't recall seeing them on any of my other old Marlins in various models. Or else I haven't paid attention.
I'm hope I'm not going to feel like an idiot if I open the safe tomorrow and check them all.
Much appreciated,
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by otteray »

Once I used the suggested method, the stock easily slide off.
I really never paid attention to the two other holes in the stock, or maybe I just forgot, lol!
Shot a ragged hole at 25' to try it out. 100 gr cast over SR4759. Anyway, here's a pic of the old levergun.
Dad or someone must of hunted sucessfully with it; note the notches in the neck of the stock, below the peepsight.. Bunny hunter?Image
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by marlinman93 »

A very nice example of the 1894 Marlin! And in my favorite pistol caliber of all time. I love the .32-20's! I have numerous Marlins and single shot rifles, plus pistols in .32-20. Love shooting the little .32-20! My favorite is a Marlin Ballard that Russ Gent restored and upgraded. Not original anymore, but it's a great shooter!


Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by otteray »

That's a beauty, Marlinman, wow!

Here is a pic of all my 32 WCF together. A couple of Model 1905 Hand Ejectors; the one on the left has the heat treated cylinder, and was a favorite of Dad's.
I started to remove the forestock on the 1894, and noticed that he had wrapped some electrical tape (or similar) around the tube, hidden underneath the wood. I'm assuming to accurize it. If so, that sure seems to work well.
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


Nice group! Also, it is very nice to see family pieces staying the family and getting used as they were meant to be.
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Re: Marlin 1894 32-20 Extra Tang holes

Post by marlinman93 »

Love those old S&W hand ejectors! And yours are in lovely shape!
Marlin lever actions 1870's-WWI, Ballards, and single shot rifles!
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