336 adl deluxe

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Moderators: Regnier (gunrunner), JohnK, Sure-Shot

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336 adl deluxe


pick up a 336 adl deluxe 35 rem 24" barrel made in 1957 1958 with a bishop stock with a cheek piece lyman fold down rear sight hooded front sight
( very nice wood)
I did some research and found out 5220 were made of the first generation of 336 adl deluxe from 1952 to 1962 in three calibers
this may or may not be correct
my question is how many of my rifle were made
if the info is even available
thanks Brad
Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: 336 adl deluxe

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


I have copies of the production order sheets for 1952 to 1988. The order sheets for the years 1952 through 1962 show that there were a total of 2,073 of the Marlin Model 336 ADL in .35 Remington caliber rifles ordered to be produced. I do not know if the number ordered was the total number produced, but the numbers should be close.
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Re: 336 adl deluxe


Thanks gunrunner
Not to many
Any info or opion on this one that they put the bishop stock starting in 1959
First one I have seen that's why I pick it up
Though it may be one with low productions numbers
Your opion is valued
Thanks Brad
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