Just got a 27s
And with info from you guys found the serial number on the tang with the stock removed
It's 6129
Now I wish to find out what year this was made
Thanks Brad
27 S year of prodution
Moderators: Regnier (gunrunner), JohnK, Sure-Shot
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Re: 27 S year of prodution
Hello, Can you give me a quick lesson on removing the Butt stock?
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Re: 27 S year of prodution
The Marlin Model 27-S was made from 1913 to 1932. So, your rifle could have been made by one of three different companies during that time and all could have started over with serial numbers, which will be confusing at best.
Does your rifle have the trademark Marlin bullseye in the toe of the stock? Is the roll stamp on the barrel say Marlin Firearms Company or Marlin Firearms Corporation? These may be clues that help determine which company made your Model 27-S. Looking forward to your reply..........
To remove the butt stock, unscrew the large headed screw on the upper tang, behind the hammer. It may take a little effort, but the butt stock will slide off after removing the screw. I have had to use the heel of my hand and hit the butt stock on the side, in a backward direction to get a butt stock to slide off. Good luck........
The Marlin Model 27-S was made from 1913 to 1932. So, your rifle could have been made by one of three different companies during that time and all could have started over with serial numbers, which will be confusing at best.
Does your rifle have the trademark Marlin bullseye in the toe of the stock? Is the roll stamp on the barrel say Marlin Firearms Company or Marlin Firearms Corporation? These may be clues that help determine which company made your Model 27-S. Looking forward to your reply..........
To remove the butt stock, unscrew the large headed screw on the upper tang, behind the hammer. It may take a little effort, but the butt stock will slide off after removing the screw. I have had to use the heel of my hand and hit the butt stock on the side, in a backward direction to get a butt stock to slide off. Good luck........
Due to the increasing cost of ammunition, there will be no warning shot!
The growing federal deficit = generational slavery to the national debt.
If the world was perfect.......it wouldn't be.
The growing federal deficit = generational slavery to the national debt.
If the world was perfect.......it wouldn't be.
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Re: 27 S year of prodution
Thanks for the reply gunrunner
The 27s doesn't have the bullseye
And is roll stamps Marlin firearms co.
Thanks Brad
The 27s doesn't have the bullseye
And is roll stamps Marlin firearms co.
Thanks Brad
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- Location: The Sunflower State
Re: 27 S year of prodution
With no bullseye, and a Marlin Firearms Company roll stamp, this is probably an earlier 27-S, made around 1914, possibly early 1915.
With no bullseye, and a Marlin Firearms Company roll stamp, this is probably an earlier 27-S, made around 1914, possibly early 1915.
Due to the increasing cost of ammunition, there will be no warning shot!
The growing federal deficit = generational slavery to the national debt.
If the world was perfect.......it wouldn't be.
The growing federal deficit = generational slavery to the national debt.
If the world was perfect.......it wouldn't be.
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Re: 27 S year of prodution
thanks gunrunner
that's great news
that's great news