Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

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Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by BKS72 »

Hi everyone. I've been reading about the Marlin exposed hammer shotguns on this forum for the last couple of days so I thought it was time I joined and just asked my questions :)

I have what I think is a model 16 based on the information you guys have provided on other threads. I was at the gun shop the other day and a guy traded it in on a pistol. I have a weakness for 16 gauges and oddball guns so I was immediately interested. The shop owner (friend of mine) and I made a deal - if the gun shot and stayed together I'd give him $60 for it. I fired one round from the hip and the the piece held up and I kept my fingers so now I've got the gun. Once I got it home I found the safety checks on this site and realized that this gun has a non functioning hang fire safety and bad secondary sear spring or sear (hammer follows with trigger pulled). I need to disassemble and clean it to find out what parts I need and I'm thinking of refinishing it while it have it apart and am searching for parts.

This is a National Fire Arms stamped gun and is in rough shape. I'm assuming I gave about what its worth but I have seen several Marlin exposed hammer shotguns in very good condition priced at $1200 to $1500 so before I refinish it does anyone have any idea what its worth? On the extremely remote chance the piece is worth more than I think I figure I better ask before I commence restoring it.

Also, can anyone let me know if I have a model 16 or something else? I know from reading on here that many parts from the various models will interchange but I'd like to know for sure what model this is to help with my parts search.

I'll post pictures in the next few minutes as soon as I either figure out how to post them directly to the board or remember my Photo bucket password.
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Re: Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


Based on the early takedown system and early style forearm on your shotgun, it is most likely a Model 16. The other model that was made in 16 gauge was the Model 30, but it had the later style takedown system and forearm style.
The overall condition of your shotgun is not so good. As a rule, I am never in favor of refinishing an old firearm, but it is your gun to do with as you please. When an old gun is refinished, there is one less original old gun for future collectors. The fact that this is marked National Fire Arms is a little unusual, but not uncommon.
You got a pretty good deal on your shotgun, unless you have to spend a fortune getting it back into shape. Some of the parts you may need can be found at Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. I have had some luck finding parts on eBay and Gun Broker. If you look at a parts diagram from an old Marlin catalog for the Model 16, (also Models 17,19, 21 and 26) you will see what parts are for the Model 16 only and the ones for only 12 gauge guns. There are very few parts listed for just the Model 16 and most of those are parts dealing with the receiver itself and the breech bolt. Otherwise, most parts are interchangeable.
Good luck......
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Re: Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by BKS72 »

Regnier, thanks for the information. Got it torn down and at first glance everything looks good to me. No obviously broken parts and the recoil safety components look good. 100 years of accumulated filth had them stuck in place. You're right on the refinish, I'll leave it as it is. The patina gives it character.

I'll soak the receiver and parts overnight and reassemble tomorrow with a light coat of oil on the internals and function check it.

I do feel better seeing that it would take a fairly catastrophic failure to let the bolt out after reading all the "widow maker" information. I think it will make a fine rabbit hunting companion once its up and running.
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Re: Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


It really does not take a catastrophic failure for the breech bolt to fly out. The locking bolt simply does not have to drop down and lock the breech bolt in place. I have seen an instance of the locking bolt not dropping down and lock the action. It can happen.
You are doing the right thing in cleaning and inspecting everything.
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Re: Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by BKS72 »

Thanks for the warning. I got lucky on this one - no parts needed. I soaked all the metal overnight in solvent, cleaned everything well, and reassembled. It passes all the safety checks now and the recoil safety is working as it should. Only outstanding issue now is the cracked forearm. I've found a repro online so I"ll get it replaced when I get around to it. Thank you for all the info and advice, this is a great site. As I don't have a 20 gauge in the safe I may track down another Marlin pump. The more I play with this one the more I like these little guns.
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Re: Marlin model 16? Model confirmation and value

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


I know the feeling about how these can get under your skin. For years, I thought that the Marlin hammer shotgun was ugly (I still think the hammerless is ugly) and could not ever seeing myself buying any of them. I even bought a spectacular "D" Grade Model 30 at auction one time and sold it right away so I would not get interested in the shotguns. Well, that worked for only a little while. I was offered a nearly unfired Model 42 riot gun, which led to a Model 24 "C" grade, and on and on. Right now, I am looking for one of the shotguns marked "Field Gun" to round out the shotgun collection.
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