I have what I think is a model 16 based on the information you guys have provided on other threads. I was at the gun shop the other day and a guy traded it in on a pistol. I have a weakness for 16 gauges and oddball guns so I was immediately interested. The shop owner (friend of mine) and I made a deal - if the gun shot and stayed together I'd give him $60 for it. I fired one round from the hip and the the piece held up and I kept my fingers so now I've got the gun. Once I got it home I found the safety checks on this site and realized that this gun has a non functioning hang fire safety and bad secondary sear spring or sear (hammer follows with trigger pulled). I need to disassemble and clean it to find out what parts I need and I'm thinking of refinishing it while it have it apart and am searching for parts.
This is a National Fire Arms stamped gun and is in rough shape. I'm assuming I gave about what its worth but I have seen several Marlin exposed hammer shotguns in very good condition priced at $1200 to $1500 so before I refinish it does anyone have any idea what its worth? On the extremely remote chance the piece is worth more than I think I figure I better ask before I commence restoring it.
Also, can anyone let me know if I have a model 16 or something else? I know from reading on here that many parts from the various models will interchange but I'd like to know for sure what model this is to help with my parts search.
I'll post pictures in the next few minutes as soon as I either figure out how to post them directly to the board or remember my Photo bucket password.