Question about Marlin engraved shotgun on GB

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Question about Marlin engraved shotgun on GB

Post by coltsixguns1959 »

Good morning,

I was looking through GB and came across this engraved Marlin shotgun.

I was thinking since the buttstock was checkered and looked like deluxe wood so the forearm should be.

Considering on trying to buy it but this bothered me.

What say ye? ... =284599322

Regnier (gunrunner)
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Re: Question about Marlin engraved shotgun on GB

Post by Regnier (gunrunner) »


The shotgun you are referring to does have it's problems. For one, it is NOT a Grade D gun, but it is a Grade C gun. Big difference in the overall scheme of things when considering the value. The forearm is not original either. As you stated, the butt stock is fancy walnut as the Grade C gun is listed with in the old Marlin catalogs. The forearm is a standard or A grade forearm and the forearm should be the same fancy walnut. It should not have th grooves, but should be full round with checking to match the butt stock.
I emailed the seller yesterday and informed him of the errors, so it will be interesting to see if changes will be made to the listing.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Question about Marlin engraved shotgun on GB

Post by coltsixguns1959 »

Thanks for the information Regnier.....I didn't pay as much attention to the engraving pattern as I did the finish that was on it plus what really caught my eye was the plain forend!

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